Downtown L.A's Business Blog

Our readership #’s

Posted in branding innovation and entrpreneurship by martin cavanaugh porter by downtownlabiz on July 8, 2009

Our Readership Numbers

Have fallen precipitously: that’s what happens when you one doesn’t post once-twice, daily.

That’s the sharp-end of the sword when it comes to blogs.

Current average readership last week for this blog: 1222 . It’s a very  steep decline (from 1912)that can only be reversed by posting regularly-which, we will soon do.

Reason for not posting: The whole team is engaged in vitalizing our efforts regarding Green Motors L.A and other projects-blogs can get a bit battered in the process.

Downtown L.A Business will be back to blogging about many topics of interest and concern soon-hopefully, today.

S. Gail Goldberg: Los Angeles City Planner-seeks break from cars…

She lives in Hancock Park and often takes the bus: Gail Goldberg is our chief city planner and she is a tremendous asset for Los Angeles: bringing a powerful advocacy to reducing congestion and getting people out of their cars and onto cycles (please see and walking again: seeing Los Angeles in all it’s grit and grandeur.

She has an agenda that the Downtown L.A’s Business Blog supports: the 12-2 initiative: allowing developers to only deal with two city offices- the Planning, and Building and Safety departments, instead of the 12 they normally visit for approval.

We’d like her to look at what the South Park Development Group is doing in tandem with E L V Motors and Wabi Cycles: Developing a powerful inner-city zero-emission alternative to polluting cars and cycles. It’s called the South Park Sustainability Shop and it is selling, servicing, and customizing absolutely zero-emission cycles,all electric  delievery vans, scooters, and cars, and motorcycles. Vans and cars you literally plug into a wall socket and recharge.

Imagine, Gail, just imagine, a whole city department running off of fully electric fleet vans, and police on bicycles with an extra range of power and range due to electric powered engines?  Alternatives must be sought and the South Park Development Group, working with E L V Motors is developing these alternatives.

In the days and weeks ahead the South Park Development Group and E L V Motors will be talking to Gail and to Robert Ovrum, L.A’s Deputy Mayor of Economic Development about transforming our city core into a best-practice, ground-zero zone that supports through advocacy and economic grants, their efforts to make Los Angeles truly green.

the instapreneur-the beginning of the end of discounting-and the empire of design

Posted in branding innovation and entrpreneurship by martin cavanaugh porter by downtownlabiz on May 20, 2009

posted by mcpIII and bht

no minimum orders-no warehouses.

designers can manufacture jewelery, boots, t shirts, furniture-anything and upload their designs to local, national and international factories who can instantly produce a product and warehouse it, ready to ship.

the key? powerful ecommerce, multi-level on line malls (aka amazon), and brilliant design.

examples of instant malls, instant design, and on-time delivery?

with this new model, the designer-the able, superior designer, is king or queen: these much more creative low volume businesses become viable and with their viability, have the potential to save manufacturing.

big companies have gotten into the game: Lexus, recently used Blurb, an on-demand publisher to print 1800 copies of a book promoting the automakers’ green practices.

As everyone gains the ability to sell anything-the long tail of manufacturing, diminished, applies to retailing: on demand manufacturing, eliminating constraint, leads to product viability and less discounting.

Globalism, tempered by localism, begins to shore up manufacturers as they become inventory support hubs as well, and the tide turns.

More than ever, branding, hyper-niche focused message signaling to emotional, disparate consumers becomes vastly important.